How Long Does A Car Battery Last In The UK? Let’s Find Out From Expert Mechanics

Kalsubai Trek

Everything around us is obscured in some way. When you look closely, the facts become clearer. Many of us would not be too familiar about a car battery other than the fact that it supplies the current required to start a vehicle.

As a result, it’s important to update your knowledge of certain aspects of a car battery. These things will undoubtedly assist you in maintaining your car battery and making the best use of it. 

While assessing various circumstances of car battery utilisation, one critical situation that anyone can encounter is a dead battery. 

A dead battery signifies a condition when a battery has lost all its current and cannot provide charge for any other activity, including cranking the engine or running the accessories. 

There might be many questions about a dead car battery. We have collected a few of them to shed some light on the facts.  

We are backed by expert advice from the UK’s leading mechanics. Without further ado, let us look at the facts.  

How Long Does a Car Battery Last?

A traditional car battery in the UK has a dependable and problem-free lifespan of about three years regardless of the warranty. 

However, a battery might last longer and be able to serve you for up to five years. But, a battery’s extended life depends on the maintenance and driving habits of the owner. 

A car that receives less driving usually experiences an early call for car battery replacement as compared to a car that goes for long drives frequently.  

Apart from that, the quality of a battery plays its role; an inferior quality of battery cannot provide expected performance when it is measured against a good quality battery.  

However, there would be a difference in the car battery price. A battery may start to show hints if it has started to approach the end of its life span. 

You may start to experience a frequent occurrence of a dead battery, especially in the cold winter mornings that you may experience here in Manchester.  

How Long Does It Take To Charge A Car Battery?

First question that comes into the mind about a dead battery is the duration of time it will take to recharge back. However, there are alternatives available once there is a situation that demands a recharge of the battery.  

It is better to use a car battery charger to get battery back on track. A car battery can typically be fully charged in 2 to 4 hours using a 20 Amp charger while a 4 Amp charger takes 12 to 24 hours to fully charge a dead battery.  

The car battery and the charger’s power output have a significant impact on how long it takes to charge. An important thing should you keep in mind that fast charging shortens the life of your battery and can cause damage.  

The best way to extend the battery’s life is to charge it for a long time at a low amp rate. However, all these things depend on your requirements, your driving habits, and the general climatic conditions present in the UK.