When a patient’s dialysis fistula isn’t working properly, stent placement may be the best solution. Here’s what you need to know about this procedure.

Stent placement Albuquerque

If your fistula isn’t working properly and you need to undergo hemodialysis, then stent placement may be an option. Stenting involves placing a small tube into the fistula to allow blood to flow smoothly through the opening. Most patients experience fast recovery and no long-term complications, but here are some things you should know before having this procedure done in Albuquerque, NM.

Dialysis Fistula Stents: What They Are?

A treatment for an underperforming or failing dialysis fistula is often the insertion of a vascular graft called a stent. A silicone tube with an inflatable balloon on one end is inserted into the fistula and inflated at both ends. This expands the lumen of the graft and provides relief of stenosis or thrombosis in the vein.Stent placement Albuquerque
The surgery is performed while on hemodialysis so that there is no interruption in treatment flow.

How Are Dialysis Fistula Stents Placed?
The goal of a hemodialysis fistula is to allow adequate flow in and out of your vein so that you can enjoy good health and quality of life. If your fistula becomes narrowed or clogged due to scar tissue formation (stenosis), it will not function as it should and could lead to serious medical consequences. When this happens, we may recommend placing a stent inside your vein through an angiogram – also known as percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA).
A PTA is minimally invasive surgery performed using local anesthesia in our office or through the use of sedation at another facility for complicated cases.

What Happens After Surgery?
Patients with stenosis or clots in their fistulas will need post-surgery care and monitoring, including visits with their nephrologist and regular ultrasounds. A nephrologist is a doctor that specializes in kidney disease and treatment. The first few weeks after surgery are usually the most difficult for patients as they recover from any inflammation or pain caused by the needle insertion of surgical tools. Doppler ultrasound is used to measure blood flow through the fistula and gauge how effective it is at maintaining adequate hemodialysis levels. Color-flow Doppler techniques can also reveal whether there are any clots forming within the fistula and help evaluate its overall condition.

What Are the Risks of Dialysis Fistula Stents?
A clot within the vein of the fistula can limit blood flow and eventually cause it to close (clot). When this happens, a new connection must be created for hemodialysis to continue. Your doctor will monitor your fistulas for signs of clotting or narrowing that could lead to closure with Doppler and color-flow ultrasound. If your doctor finds evidence of either complication, they may recommend inserting a stent into your vein in order to keep it open or unblocked.
Stents can also be used if there is an accumulation of excess fluid in your body (edema) as well as when there is not enough liquid in your body (dehydration). Airfood recipe

Is There Anything I Can Do at Home to Prevent Complications?
Patients with hemodialysis access fistulas require monitoring of the flow through their fistulas to prevent complications such as narrowing (stenosis) or clot formation. If your doctor determines that your fistula flow is too low, and after other causes are ruled out, he or she may recommend stent placement. A small metal tube will be inserted in an artery near your body and threaded up into your arm until it reaches the site of the stenosis (narrowing). The metal tube will then stay in place for life and allow blood to flow more easily through your arm.

Tips for After Surger
Patients who have had a stent placed should follow their post-operative instructions and avoid any heavy lifting or straining for 6 weeks following surgery. If they are unable to urinate, they should contact their physician immediately. Patients can usually resume normal activity within two weeks of surgery but should discuss physical limitations with their physician prior to resuming activity as necessary.Stent placement Albuquerque