UTI Treatment at St. John: Options, Expertise, And More

UTI treatment St. John

The term UTI stands for Urinary Tract Infection, and it’s the name of an illness that many people suffer from but don’t realize. Most people go years without ever having one, which can make it easy to forget that they exist at all. It’s important to be aware of them, though, because they can be more common than you think!

What Are UTIs?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of the urinary tract, which includes the kidneys, bladder, and urethra. A UTI causes symptoms such as pain or burning during urination; blood in the urine; cloudy or dark-colored urine; a feeling that you can’t empty your bladder completely; a need to go more often than usual or a feeling that you’re not making much progress when you do go to the bathroom. Urinary tract infections are usually caused by bacteria that enter the urethra.

How Do I Know If I Have A UTI?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of the urinary tract that goes from the kidneys to the bladder to the urethra (the tube that allows urine to exit from your body). One of the most common symptoms is a burning sensation when urinating. Other symptoms include increased urination, lower abdominal pain, and fever.
Many people with UTIs are not aware they have one because they may not experience any symptoms or it may be mild enough that they don’t notice anything unusual. Often times people who have UTIs will confuse their symptoms with something else such as stomach flu or a yeast infection even though it’s not caused by either of those things.

What Kind Of Doctor Treats UTIs?

A UTI is a bladder infection caused by bacteria from the anus or from sexual contact with an infected partner. If left untreated, UTIs can lead to more serious health complications such as kidney infections, which can be very dangerous. At UTI Treatment at St. John, we are proud to have 11 urologists with a variety of interests and specialties in the field of Urology available to help you solve your urinary tract infection problem quickly and effectively without surgery. We offer many different treatment options, including medications prescribed by our physician or self-treatment options like drinking plenty of fluids and taking probiotics if you suffer from recurring UTIs. All patients are seen on a first-come-first served basis so call us today for an appointment!

What Treatments Are Available For Managing UTIs?

If you’ve been diagnosed with a UTI (urinary tract infection) you may be overwhelmed with all of the various treatment options available to you. That’s why it’s important to speak to your doctor about which UTI treatment is best for you. What treatments are available for managing UTIs? At St. John Medical Associates, we have urologists who specialize in a wide variety of fields related to urinary tract infections including diagnosis, treatment, and management of urinary tract infections (UTIs). We offer medical and surgical management as well as minimally invasive options such as water-delivery systems or antibiotic injections that can help relieve symptoms quickly without surgery or the need for catheterization.

What Happens After Treatment?

Treatment for a UTI can differ depending on the severity of symptoms (e.g., if you have a fever, or blood in your urine). If your UTI is not severe, we may recommend that you take antibiotics orally for up to three days to get rid of the infection. For less severe cases, oral antibiotics may be all that is needed. If your UTI is more severe (e.g., fever, blood in your urine), we may prescribe an IV antibiotic to help fight the bacteria in your bloodstream so it does not spread any further throughout your body and make you sicker.

Why Choose St. John Medical Center?

St. John Medical Center is known for its excellent UTI treatment options and expertise, with 11 urologists on staff that specialize in the field of Urology. We offer state-of-the-art diagnostics, treatments, and therapies for UTIs (urinary tract infections). Our doctors are all Board Certified with years of experience treating UTIs in adults, children or even pregnant women. For more information about our services or to schedule a consultation please call our office or fill out the Request a Consultation form on this page …