Side dishes for fish fry

Fishing industry: Fisherman in a orange raincoat carrying a box of fresh fish, on a trawler

Fish fry is a popular, easy-to-make seafood side dishes. But what about your favorite vegetable or fruit? Whether you’re serving fish as the main course or as a side dish, these sides will make your meal taste great.

French fries

French fries are the perfect side dish for fish fry. They’re super simple to make and can be adapted to your liking. The only thing you need to know is that fresh potatoes work best, not frozen ones—but if you’re in a pinch, they’ll do just fine too!

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You don’t need a deep fryer or anything special for this recipe; all you have to do is cover a pan with oil (preferably vegetable) and cook them until they’re crispy on both sides. Don’t overdo it by turning them too many times or else they will get soggy rather quickly. You also don’t have time for that kind of mess when preparing such an important meal as this one!

And yes: salt until ready! That’s how we do things around here at my house 🙂

Lemon pepper vegetables

  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Zucchini
  • Peppers (any variety)
  • Onions, mushrooms and garlic to taste. Olive oil and lemon juice to finish the dish off with some zestiness!
  • Salt & pepper to taste

Buttered corn

Buttered corn is a great side dish for fish fry. The butter adds extra moisture and flavor, making for an excellent pairing with your fish fry. It’s also easy to make at home, which makes it a perfect choice for those who prefer to make their own food from scratch but don’t have time on the weekends or after work hours.

This recipe can easily be doubled or tripled if you want more servings of buttered corn!

Biscuits with honey butter

When it comes to the side dishes for fish fry, biscuits are always a good choice. Biscuits have a nice crunch and can be served alongside your fish fry meal as an appetizer or as part of the main course.

Honey butter is one of my favorite toppings on biscuits. It’s especially good with chicken, but it also works great with pork or beef (or anything else!). Honey butter is made by combining melted butter and honey together until they are smooth and creamy in texture—then you add salt and pepper to taste!

Great seafood side dishes

French fries

  • Lemon pepper vegetables

This is a great side dish for fish fry, especially if you’re serving it with cole slaw. Just toss some thinly sliced green beans, carrots and red peppers into the skillet with some olive oil and garlic powder as seasoning. Cook until tender-crisp, then add salt and pepper to taste before garnishing with lemon slices on top!


In conclusion, we hope you’ve enjoyed looking at these wonderful seafood side dishes. There are so many different options out there, and they all work really well with a variety of different kinds of fish. You can even make up your own recipes if you want! Just remember that fresh is best when it comes to ingredients—you don’t want anything too old or dried out that might not have been handled properly before being cooked. If all else fails, just go with something simple like potatoes or rice! We wish you luck in your search for the perfect recipe! If we may be of any similar assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us (