How ABA Therapy Gives Assistance to Severe Behaviours

ABA Therapy
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If you have a child with Autism, you are likely to be familiar with some of the therapies available to help relieve your child’s behaviors so that they can live a conscious, normal life. Though there are various approaches to dealing with these issues, Applied Behaviour Analysis Therapy is commonly accepted as the most effective way to deal with challenging behaviors and has been proven a successful therapy for children who have Autism. HomeAbout UsContact UsPrivacy PolicyWrite For US

What is ABA Therapy?

As per Autism Intervention Program, ABA Therapy has been proven to be one of the most effective ways of treating children with Autism or other developmental disabilities. It focuses on changing behavior through positive reinforcement and rewards, which helps to improve the quality of life for both patient and caregiver. The goal of ABA Therapy is not simply to get rid of problematic behaviors but rather to teach individuals how to manage them productively. 

How ABA Therapy Gives Assistance to Severe Behaviours


Autism is a spectrum disorder. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects how a person behaves, communicates and interacts with others. Social interaction difficulties and repetitive behaviors characterize Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs).

The severity of Autism ranges from mild to severe. Severe Autism is a condition in which children cannot communicate verbally. They have limited eye contact, and they lack social skills.

ABA services for Autism have been proven to help children with severe Autism overcome their challenges and live more independent lives. ABA therapy focuses on teaching children skills that will help them function independently in society, such as communication, social interactions, self-help skills, academics etc.

ABA therapy also helps children learn how to manage their emotions and control their behavior. This helps them avoid tantrums and outbursts that may result in social isolation or even physical harm to themselves or others, such as when they become aggressive due to overstimulation from loud noises or bright lights when shopping at the mall for example.


ABA therapy is any therapy that uses the principles of behaviorism to help people overcome challenging behaviors. Applied behavior analysis is one type of ABA therapy that has been proven effective in helping children with Autism, developmental disabilities, and other disorders. The goal of ABA is to use science-based methods to teach children how to behave in ways that are more appropriate for their circumstances.

ABA therapists use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior and discourage negative behaviors. For example, if you want your child to stop hitting other children at school: You could reward them when they do not hit another child by giving them stickers or a toy they like after school. This reward system teaches children that good behavior earns rewards while bad behavior does not.


Behaviors are actions that occur from interacting with the person and their environment. In other words, behaviors are learned or acquired by a person as a result of their experiences in life. Behaviors can be classified as either adaptive or maladaptive depending on whether they are helpful or harmful to the person’s well-being. Maladaptive behaviors can cause harm to a person, which can be physical harm to themselves or others or emotional harm, such as anxiety and depression.

Behaviors can range from mild to severe. Severe behaviors typically hurt a person’s quality of life and may include self-harm and aggression toward others. Severe behaviors can cause emotional distress for those around them, especially loved ones who may feel helpless when trying to help their loved ones manage these behaviors. ABA therapy is an evidence-based practice (EBP) that has been proven effective for treating severe behavioral problems such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). 


According to the Autism treatment program, consequences can be positive or negative. Positive consequences are things the child likes, such as toys or treats, while negative consequences are things that the child dislikes, such as time-outs or no TV privileges.

ABA therapy uses positive and negative reinforcement to teach children with Autism how to behave appropriately in different situations. For example, if a child is good at sitting quietly on the couch while watching TV, they might get a reward like extra time watching their favorite movie or show. If they do not follow directions well during a lesson at school, they might have to stay after class for some extra practice time.


On the final note, it is the fact that Autism has so many degrees of severity that makes ABA therapy such a crucial tool for its victims. Therapists can keep a close eye on the symptoms of Autism and even recognize the less severe ones. They can then help children make up for their delays in any way they can. And it is through this therapy method that children with autism spectrum disorder stand to get more out of their lives and make themselves as normal as they can be.