A Guitar or Ukulele – Which Is the Easier Stringed Instrument to Play and Master?


To choose between the guitar and a ukulele is always a tough decision. These are considered to be very closely related stringed musical instruments. However, in many ways, they cannot be more different. There are different kinds and styles of both with the guitar having acoustic, classic and electric major types. Ukuleles are also available in many variants too.

However, when it comes to new learners, you will always want to start on the easier one. Both have different string counts and types. They are also different in sizes. However, variable sizes are available for both instruments as well. Learning curve associated with both options is a different one as well. So, read through to find out exactly which one is the easier option to play and master:

Is the Ukulele an Easy to Play and Master Instrument?

Many believe the ukulele to be the easier of the two. One of the major reasons for that is the string count. It has four strings making it easy to be played with just the one finger per string. However, a lot of practice will be needed for that. There are other variants like the banjo ukulele as well with variations in string types and the way they are strung

Whatever the case may be, fewer strings mean fewer ones to hold down and play with. That there is easier in its own right. Also, the ukulele is known to have nylon strings. These are easier to hold down and be played with the fingers as well. Classic guitars also have nylon strings but ukulele has thinner ones. This means they will have less string tension as well.

In fact, many music schools and teachers start young learners on the ukulele. This makes parent’s life a lot easier as well. On the ukulele, there will be 3 chords that are played for a simple song within a short hour of practice. Another reason that makes ukuleles easier is their ability to be group or team played instruments. They are also versatile and can be played solo or with a singer as well.

For vocalists that want to play a light and portable instrument while singing, the ukulele is a great choice too. However, that is also so much more attributed to the guitar as well. The lesser strings make the ukulele the easier instrument to learn at least.

How Easy Is the Guitar to Learn, Play and Master?

Guitar is certainly one of the most famous music instruments in the world. Many parts of the world have claimed the origins of the instrument. There are Mexican guitars, American versions, European ones and so on. In fact, it is hard to think about a part of the world that has not incorporated the guitar in a unique way going back in the history.

However, the guitar will have a longer, steeper learning curve compared with the ukulele. Yet, learning a few initial chords on it isn’t that big of a deal for learners of all ages. Usually, people pick up 5 chords within an hour or two. Also, the hard part is changing between the chords. Some people pick that part up quickly where others might spend as long as 2 months or more on it.

Also, many learners will actually give up when hitting the first barre chord. The best way is to be patient at the start and take things the way they come to you. Also, once you get into the guitar a bit, everything becomes a lot easier. It is no easy game trying to become as good as some world-renowned guitarists at all. But then again, no instrument is easy to master on that level.

The initial problems aren’t the whole picture. If you can find a good guitar for sale, and master it, surely it will be a more versatile instrument. It can play many styles and be involved in a wider variety of music genres too. It is also one of the best solo instruments, goes well with a vocalist and even better amongst other instruments in a group.

Another factor that puts the guitar ahead is its ability to become the lead/melody instrument. You rarely hear about a lead ukulele player. Also, there are louder versions of the guitar like the electric guitar that may never need another instrument on set. Certainly, that guitar is one of the finest instruments that has ever graced the music industry worldwide.

Which One Is for You?

Okay then, now you have the right knowledge about which is easier. It is always a good idea to start on an easy instrument. Then, you can move on to a more complex one. However, there are today some smaller, more compact guitars available for younger learners as well.

An expert opinion is to start on the ukulele then move to the guitar. However, you will not go wrong by starting on the basic classic guitar as well. Leave the acoustic and electric guitar types for later use. Picking up the right instrument also depends on your motivations and who inspires you most.

Also, ukulele will the easier option to quickly move forward with your stringed instrument career. As long as you have a good instructor or tutor, you should be good to go with either. Yet, easy playing and learning factor almost always goes towards the ukulele in any part of the world.