Need Plastic Surgery? Here’s Why You Should Be at Your Ideal Weight First

Need Plastic Surgery? Here's Why You Should Be at Your Ideal Weight First
Need Plastic Surgery? Here's Why You Should Be at Your Ideal Weight First

Plastic surgery in India is done for several reasons, such as cleft lip & palate, birthmarks, operation scars, extensive burns, or improving the existing facial and body features. Although it is easier said than done, a patient is advised to attempt to reach their ideal weight as close to the time of surgery as possible. It is because a certain amount of weight or Body Mass Index (BMI) is required for many cosmetic procedures to be performed safely. In addition, the patient’s weight can significantly affect the surgical procedure’s success and the time needed for recovery.  

Plastic surgery in India should be performed at your ideal weight due to the following reasons:

It indicates that your body is healthy to undergo surgery

There are many reasons why being at your ideal weight can be beneficial. The same is true when you plan to undergo plastic surgery.

  • Your overall health will be better if you are at your ideal weight. It means you will be less likely to experience complications during or after surgery. When you are healthy, your body is better able to heal itself and handle the stress of surgery.
  • You may not be eligible for certain types of plastic surgery if you are overweight. For example, if you want to have liposuction, you will need to be at a healthy weight to qualify. Being at your ideal weight also makes it easier for the surgeon to get good results from the surgery.
  • Being at your ideal weight also helps you feel better about yourself. The ability of your body to withstand and heal from the procedure can be improved by regular exercise and a healthy diet. The best way to prepare for a cosmetic surgery procedure is to establish these healthy habits well in advance.

It allows your surgeon to optimize your procedure 

As a result of stable weight, your surgeon will be able to more accurately assess the amount of tissue that needs to be removed. It will enable patients to achieve a balanced body proportion. In some cases, it can determine whether or not a patient is appropriate for a full or partial surgical procedure. It is also essential to losing weight before surgery as it minimizes procedural risks. It is because a high BMI has often been associated with complications during the operation.

Being obese makes increases the possibility of developing complications during and after surgery. These complications can include infection, bleeding, poor wound healing, and blood clots. When you are at your ideal weight, you decrease your risk of developing these complications. 

Recovery is made easier as a result 

You may experience bone, joint pain, and skin irritation due to excessive weight. During the healing process following cosmetic surgery, you will want to minimize the strain on your incision as much as possible. Your skin will heal faster if you are in a healthy weight range before the procedure. In addition, the risk of undesirable outcomes such as blood clots or infection will be reduced. 

When you are at your ideal weight, you will recover at a faster rate after surgery. It is because being overweight can strain your body, leading to more complications and a longer recovery time. Being at a healthy weight will also assist you in healing more quickly and reduce the risk of infection. 

Your results may be affected by fluctuations in weight 

Your weight can have a big impact on your plastic surgery results. Achieving the look you want can be challenging if your weight fluctuates.  

You should consider cosmetic surgery only when you have reached your ideal weight. It is because it is more likely to produce the desired effect if you have not lost or gained significant weight. It is impossible to predict where fat will appear or disappear in your body since weight fluctuations are spread out over a wide area of your body. Ultimately, this will result in your body returning to its pre-surgery dimensions, thereby minimizing the positive effects of plastic surgery in India. 

Consequently, fewer subsequent surgeries are required 

If you underwent major reconstructive surgery, you would like to ensure that the results will last a long time. An unstable weight before surgery can increase the likelihood of a subsequent procedure. In addition, those surgeries which involve areas of the body that are more likely to undergo significant changes, for example, the thighs, abdomen, or arms, are at the highest risk of requiring further surgery due to changes in body weight. For example, weight gain following a tummy tuck could cause loose skin to accumulate in the abdominal region. In contrast, sagging skin in the neck and face area could result from a facelift.

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Being at your ideal weight is the best way to ensure that you will be happy with your plastic surgery results. You will have a better chance of achieving the look you want and reduce your risk of complications and ensure a quicker recovery. So, if you are planning for plastic surgery in India, make sure to reach your ideal weight before the procedure.

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